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        As Imus National High School continuously cultivates a culture of academic excellence and discipline, the Grade 10- Power Up students hold a thesis colloquium on February 19. The success academic meeting has created a great impact on the morale of the students.  The days and weeks of hard work and patience has finally come to fruition. Research paper writing is no easy task.  It takes time and countless revisions that come with following a series of process.
        The students started by selecting a topic, a problem or phenomenon to explore. Having a topic, they started preliminary search for related information related to the topic. This helped them to have a light background that can be used as a foundation of learning. 
        Afterwards, the students started to direct their research paper by locating materials for the topic. The sources were evaluated to have the best, credible, truthful and reliable data. Students are also aware that internet sources are less reliable. With that, every information they included in the paper were thoroughly checked. The sources were noted from time to time for the references/bibliography.
        Next on the process is writing the paper. In here, the students organized their gathered information then created rough draft. From time to time, these drafts are submitted to their research adviser, Mr. Michael Vincent R. Galestre. More and more revision took place before they were able to come up with the final paper.
        Lastly, before printing, the students made sure to proofread the paper. They repeatedly read each chapter to check for errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation. This practice was done in order to be more economical, as printing the final research paper multiple times due to errors would surely be costly.
        The journey to research for these students may have been tasking and difficult, but the knowledge, patience and discipline they have acquired as they gone through the process would surely benefit them not just as scholars but as a individuals who are ready to take on the higher level of learning.

INHS Ventures into Research Education

February 19, 2020


Michael Vincent R. Galestre

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