A Culture of Academic Excellence and Discipline
alternative learning system
Written by: Alexander S. Reyes, Teacher III / ALS Coordinator
What is the basis of ALS Implementation in the Philippines?
The 1987 Philippines Constitution provide for the recognition and promotion of other forms of Education other than formal education Article XIV Section 2 paragraph 1 Declares that the state shall establish, maintain and support a complete, adequate and integrated system of education. Relevant to the needs of the people and society and paragraph 4 consistency encourage non-formal, informal and indigenous learning systems call as self-learning, independent and law of school study program particularly those that response to community needs.
The government act for Basic Education otherwise known as the Republic Act 9155 stipulate the established of the Alternative Learning System (ALS) to provide out of school children, youth, adults population with basic education.
Why is there a need for Alternative Learning System (ALS) in the Philippines?
Man many Filipinos do not have a chance to attend and finish formal Basic Education (Grade 1-6) and (Grade 7-10) due to many reasons. Some drop-out from schools while some do not have school in their community, since every Filipino has a right to free basic education, the government established ALS provide all Filipino the chance to have access to and complete basic education in mode that fits their distinct situation and needs.
How does ALS work? There are two major program on ALS that are being implemented by the Department of Education, through the Bureau of Alternative System (BALS). One is the basic literacy program and the other is the condensing education program accreditation and Equivalency test (A&E TEST) non program are modular and flexible. The means that learning can take place anytime and only place, depending on the convenience and availability of the learners.
a. In line with the attainment of the Dep.Ed’s thrust to continually improve the quality of Basic Education specifically to raise participation completion and achievement and implement an official and effective quality assurance mechanism to provide both “Youth and Adult learners with skills. Knowledge, and values they need to become caring, self-reliant, productive and patriotic citizen”.It is mandate to develop capacity of service providers (public and private) identify potentials ALS learners in the areas where they operate.
b.Relative to this, the city Schools Division of Imus-Alternative Learning System (ALS) will conducted the ALS Mapping of Prospective Learners on the Month of October-December in their respective assigned barangay. This to ensure that the quality management system in the implementation of the program in the division is serving its purpose in strengthening collective accountability.
c. Attached for everybody’s guidance is the list of ALS Implementers: DepEd delivered And DepEd procedure and their assigned barangay.
d. Assistance from the Barangay on the mapping of learners are highly encouraged to help the implementers reach the prospective clienteles.
e.Immediate dissemination and compliance with this Memorandum is desired.
2. Enrollment Process
a. It is there an age limits for taking the ALS A & E Test?
Except for the Minimum age requirement of 11 years old for Elementary drop-outs and 17 years old for Junior High School drop-outs, anyone can take the ALS A&E test regardless of age.
b. What are the requirements ?
The minimum requirement for enrolling inALS classes are either birth certificates civil registrant,NSO or PSA,baptismal,valid ID and forms 137( Applies to learners who have attended at least a year of formal schooling)
c.Students who are interested in enrolling in an ALS class are encouraged to visit Community Learning Center(CLC). Once there , they will be asked whether they want to attend the literary class (ALS A&E) or the livelihood program.
d.Students who want to take ALS A&E will be given an oral and written test to assess their competency level.From the result of the test, applicant has not attended any formal schooling before,they will be enrolled in the Basic literacy Program where they will be taught basic reading and computing skills before moving them to more advanced classes.
e. Just like traditional students, ALS A& E learners are also given summative test to assess their understanding of the things that have been taught to them these test come in the form of multiple-choice, fill in the blanks and essay type questions that the students must answer based on what they’ve learned.
After they’ve completed from the class, learners are then encouraged to take the Alternative Learning System Accreditation & Equivalency Test in order to get certificates that are equivalent to diplomas received by traditional elementary and junior high school graduates and completers.
3. Classes Process
a. How long do ALS classes last ALS A&E classes take a minimum of 800 hours ( 10 months) to complete; however they may change every now and then depending on the progress of the students.
b. If there are other responsibilities that keep students from attending classes they are allowed to take home free modules that they can study whenever and whenever they want. At the end of these modules are questions and exercises that the students must answer in order to evaluate how much they understood the lesson. After they’re done with the modules .they are asked o return them to their instructional managers so they can correct them.
c. Subject of study ALS A&E classes are divided into five categories called learning strands these include Communication skill ( English and Filipino), Problem Solving and Critical Thinking ( Science and Mathematics) Sustainable Use of resources and productivity Development of self and a Sense of Community/Value of Collaboration and Expanding One’s Own World Vision.
4. Encoding of ALS learners in Management Information System (MIS 001-005)
AlS service providers shall submit following ALS Management Information System (MIS) form nos.1 to 3 through channels on a quarterly basis :
a. MIS 001- Profile of Prospective Learners in the household.
b. MIS 002 A. Non Formal Education (NFE) learners’ Profile
c. MIS 002 B- Informal Eduaction (Infed) learners’ profile
d. MIS 003- Community Learning Center (CLC)/ Service providers (SP) profile
A meaningful Metamorphosis
Truly, the Alternative Learning System(ALS) offered by the Imus National High School Learning Center (INHSLC) had undergone evocative and positive changes throughout the years.
The program,which was the called Non-Formal Education(NFE),started in 2006 under the supervision of Department Of Education Cavite province with Dr. Carmencita P. Tosco as the head. She was then succeeded by Dr.Rosamia H. Gelle who managed the program from 2009 to 2013 with the help of her INHS ALS coordinators Mrs. Gemma Caliliw(2009) and Cristina B. Manesca(2010-2013).
It was soon that the program had acquired its independence. And INHS main became a soaring institution of Alternative Learning System due to the guidance of well-esteemed personalities such as Ms. Feliz A. Tayao Dep Ed ALS Supervisor 2012-2014 Ms. Marilou P. Merino (INHS Main ALS coordinator 2013-2014) and Mr. Don C. Young INHS main ALS coordinator 2014-2015 At present the energetic and very supportive Division ALS Supervisor Mr. Ronnie B. Yohan. The Imus National High School Learning Center is being supervised by the ever dynamic Secondary ALS Coordinator(SALSC) Mr. Alexander S. Reyes.
The history of INHS main learning center had been blessed by remarkable successes evident in the high ranking data of passers. In 2016 the program garnered 48.78% rate with 40 out of 82 takers passed the ALS A&E Test assessment . In 2017, the passers rate rose to 59.86 as 85 out of 142 takers passed the ALS A&E test Assessment. And finally in 2018, the program was still able to achieve its dominance a s it received a 57.80 passers rate as 63 out of 109 takers passed the ALS A&E Test assessment.
Indeed the journey towards the great future of INHS-Main ALS program may still be a long way to come. But Because of the people who work tirelessly for the program and the students who continue to support the system , a meaningful metamorphosis is definitely a sure one.
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