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         C-yber Expo 2019 
         Y-ells a 
         B-eliefs or
         E-xpections in the technology 
         R-eality and transformation

         The last day of Division Cyber Expo 2019 was started with an energizer held by the ICT Coordinators from different schools of Deped Imus City.

MSME Business Solution by Mr. John Michael Letran, a Relationship Manager Executive of PLDT explained the benefits of Fixed Loan Plans. With this, Mr. June Bence Adelan, information technology officer of Deped Imus City expecting to have stable connection from PLDT and explained the ICT future plans.

Learning is everywhere, with the help of Microsoft Teams, the communication with Mrs. Jenielyn Padernal, a director of e-learning integration cypher learning from New Jersey became possible. According to her automation becomes popular and blended learning as a new strategy of technology integration in education.

         Data Protection and Cyber Security Awareness was discussed by Mr. Villamor Manzano, a COE lead ePLDT cybersecurty and DPA consultant. 
He informed the participants to be aware of cyber attacks and ransomware and on how to keep our data safe and secure. He also explained the inclusion of the scope of Data Privacy Act of 2012 RA 10173.

         Interacting with the learners through the help of ICT in Classroom was explained elaborately by Mr. Michael D. Morella. He is a Microsoft Innovative Educator. The session was started with sharing reflections on the challenges of continuous development of technology. One of the best practices implemented in Mr. Morella's school is by using platforms like Minecraft to innovate activities in classroom.

        Mr. Mark Anthony F. Jamisal, a Microsoft Education Ambassador was presented the different ICT best practices integrated in the classroom. Practices that discovers other tools or platforms such as Mooc, Canvass, Coursera, Merge Cube, Wonder Share and so on.

        This Cyber Expo really helps the educators to be more effective, innovative and efficient in this digital age.

         "This is not the end, but a new beginning"


An Eye Opener to Digital Age!

2019 Division Cyber Expo Day 3

June 28, 2019


Crizel Ann G. Papa and Nikki V. Barrameda

Teacher I

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