A Culture of Academic Excellence and Discipline
Imus NHS joins National No Smoking Month
June 25, 2021
Digna DC. Claveria
In observance of National NO SMOKING Month, School Anti-Drug abuse Council (SADAC) And Barkada Kontra Droga (BKD) conducted a simple activity in an online platform last June 25, 2021 among students of Imus National High School hosted by the adviser Mrs. Digna DC. Claveria. Legal bases were presented in slides and pursuant to Proclamation no.183, which aims to raise public awareness on ill-effects of smoking as well as to encourage the smokers to give-up smoking habit the host explained briefly
After short discussion of the objectives, students were asked to post their poster/slogan about smoking. Others sent their output thru group chat. They were given scores based from the teacher given rubric with creativity as 15 points, originality as 10 points and promptness as 5 points totalling 30 points as the highest score one can possibly get.
Students have realized the ill –effects of smoking shown/depicted in their posters/ slogan. They have promised to share it to their members of the family and in the community who are engaged in smoking so that they will eventually quit or stop smoking.